How it Works

AI-Driven Sales Funnel

Transform your sales division, with AI assisted campaigns for various stages of your sales cycle:

Create an AI Driven Center for All Lead Interactions
Give Your Sales Team Superpowers

Give Your Sales Team Superpowers

Allow your team to effortlessly communicate with hundreds or thousands of leads daily, maintaining a personalized touch without sacrificing quality.

Engaging Sales Copy

We craft compelling sales copy tailored to your industry—whether in solar, dentistry, or tech startups. Messaging is designed to resonate with leads, spark engagement and inspire immediate responses.

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Engaging Sales Copy
Campaigns Working in Harmony

Harmonized Campaigns

donebyAI utilizes a strategic system of interconnected campaigns and lead routers to move leads into the most suitable workflows based on their responses and engagement. This approach ensures leads are properly segmented and nurtured as they progress through the sales funnel.

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Personalized Communication

Our personalization extends beyond aligning your brand and marketing voice into your sales script. We also go beyond integrating CRM shortcodes into your sales copy. Unlike traditional chatbot technology, we integrate a scenario handling library developed from years of sales experience. This library enables our generative AI to grasp the nuances of lead communication, effectively advancing the conversation.

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Personalized Communication

Campaign Launch in Just 3 Steps

Let’s plan your A.I. Strategy. We can have a campaign running for you in as little as 5-10 business days.
Call us today at (877) 379-7888 or book a demo using the link below.



Our strategists will work with you to define your core offer, fine-tune your sales pitch  and set actionable campaign goals.


Content Writing

Content Writing

We will create a sales script with unique content designed around your target audience, commands attention, and achieves results.


Logistics & Account Setup

Logistics & Account Setup

Our team will build out ultimate appointment-setting campaign for your sales agents, guiding leads through dynamic funnels.


80% of High Ticket Sales Are Closed On the 8th to the 12th Contact


80% of High Ticket Sales Are Closed
On the 8th to the 12th Contact

Want to kick the tires and test the system yourself? Fill out our webform and instantly
engage with our own AI sales communications. You won’t be able to tell when
you’re dealing with AI or when our sales people take over the conversation.

How it Works

Automate introductions, follow-ups, appointment scheduling, and more to ensure every lead feels like they are being managed by a human. Our AI feels genuinely natural, and your sales people can jump in to seamlessly take over at any time.  

Below is a very basic example sequence, demonstrated visually.  In practice, our campaigns are very intricate.  We deploy several campaigns with unique goals, and tie them all together, so no matter what your target wants to discuss with you, you will have AI sequences available to convert the conversation to a qualified lead.

AI Assistant, SMS

Hi Sherry! We got your note that you were interested in our service.  I’m Steve. How can I help?

Sherry, via SMS

Thanks. I had some questions for you about pricing.

AI Assistant, Email

Hi Sherry!  Here are some of our pricing plans.
[Read More]

AI Assistant, SMS

Hi Sherry. I just emailed a list of some of our pricing plans, and some photos of some of our completed projects. Did you receive it?

Sherry, via SMS

Reading now. Still, have questions.

AI Assistant, SMS

I’m happy to go over pricing with you. Are you free for a call?

Sherry, via Email

I’m about to jump in the car. Can we talk later?

AI Assistant, SMS Scheduler

Of course. Which of these times work best for you? 1pm, 1:30pm, or 4pm?

Sherry, via Email

130 is good.

AI Assistant, SMS Scheduler

Scheduled I’ve got you down for 1:30. Keep your eye open in your email for a confirmation! Looking forward to connecting 🙂

Sherry, via Email

Great! Talk then!

AI Assistant, Email Meeting Link

Hi Sherry. This is a meeting confirmation for 1:30pm today. Meeting details are below: [Read More]

Test it Yourself!

Test it Yourself!

Get a live demo of donebyai in action by filling out the below form.
You will be instantly engaged with our sales AI tools.
Feel free to kick the tires!

Schedule with our A.I.


The donebyAI Difference

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More than Consultants

We look at your entire sales and marketing divisions, holistically to recommend and deploy workflows, automations, and tie your data together.

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